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Schio - Veneto

Descrizione dell'offerta di lavoro

Descrizione dell'azienda As the preferred partner for window and door automation, Somfy is committed to inspiring new and better ways of living for all.
Better ways of producing, consuming, and housing that we must imagine together around the world in order to inhabit our planet in a more virtuous and permanent way.
Acting for better ways of living means fostering the alliance of a sustainable economic model with environmental protection and self-fulfillment for everyone.
As a French, family-owned, and independent group, in continuous growth since our creation, we have been world leaders for 50 years and pioneers in home automation.
innovation continuously guides our work and guarantees the excellence of our solutions.
We are present in 59 countries, with eight production sites and 17 R&D centers.
We are pursuing an ambitious industrial strategy based on “Smart Living” and the value we bring to our customers.
We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint every day.
Today, more than 60% of our products are eco-designed, and all will be by .
At the same time, we have implemented a responsible purchasing policy that prioritizes local suppliers.
We are deeply committed to the well-being of our employees, we promote their sustainable employability by promoting internal mobility and developing their skills.
We foster diversity and inclusion by building on our strong corporate culture.
Descrizione del lavoro The Business Line “Access & Security” develops reliable and long-lasting solutions to automate, control and secure access to the home.
Our offers (gates and garage doors operators, alarms and video surveillance cameras, video doorphones) are developed in our sites in France and in Italy, and distributed by our 4 core channels (industrials, installer, BtoB and BtoC distributions).
To support our growth and our development ambitions, we’re seeking for a Product Manager who will manage the gate operators portfolio.
Within the Business Line « Access & Security », the Product Manager is responsible for the management of the product and/or service range from initiation to end of life, from the definition of the development strategy to the business performance, in close collaboration with the group's subsidiaries, with Product and Marketing teams.
Responsible of his/her product range strategy.
He/she focuses his/her actions and decisions keeping a mid-term vision (3 years).
Key activities  He/she.
is in-depth research of customer needs (customer centricity); defines the roadmap to respond to the challenges in the market and makes decisions to guarantee the product vision;  is responsible for the marketing mix;  monitors the business performance of its range (turnover, customers, margin);  is the reference of the product range and knows its short and medium-term developments (technologies, competition, customer targets);  is responsible for the backlog program and ensures that the product meets the business objectives defined at portfolio level;  is accountable for the launching kit.
Qualifiche Expected hard skills.
Business English B2+ minimum;  Degree in economics/marketing or engineering;  In-depth knowledge of Product Marketing and commercial dynamics;  Computer tools.
Office 365.
Required experience.
5 years of experience in product marketing, ideally in a technical environment.
Knowledge of connected environment would be a plus.
Expected soft skills.
Good interpersonal skills to facilitate communication with numerous contacts (product and marketing team, project teams, distribution subsidiaries, etc.); Good communication skills to know how to convey your decisions and beliefs to the team; Use to and comfortable giving product presentations to a wide audience; Organized to perfectly manage a wide range of products in a multi-channel context; Curious, good analytical and synthesis skills to fully understand and transcribe market trends.
Ulteriori informazioni La protezione dei dati personali dei nostri candidati è un impegno di Somfy.
Chiediamo pertanto a tutti i candidati di inviarci la propria candidatura esclusivamente tramite il nostro sistema e non tramite e-mail o posta.
Vedere l'offerta completa

Dettagli dell'offerta

  • Imprecisato
  • Imprecisato - Imprecisato
Data di pubblicazione
  • 02/07/2024
Data di scadenza
  • 30/09/2024
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