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Milano - Lombardia

Descrizione dell'offerta di lavoro

The intern in the Admissions Office will be involved in the following activities: • managing the relationship with candidates international and italian, supporting them during all the applications period; • managing direct contact (email and/or phone) with admitted/not admitted/enrolled students• processing the applications of new students (italian and international) ; • managing students transferring from other universities, handling any requests for credit recognition, and maintaining contact with the teaching faculty responsible for evaluating the programs.• acquiring specific knowledge on foreign entrance qualifications and the main evaluation criteria for selection and enrollment• checking video recordings of the tests carried out by the candidates, to verify they have maintained a correct behavior• partecipanting in all the Open Days foreseen during the year , in the online/in presence initiatives/events managed together with the Guidance & Recruitment Office • learning how to use the office IT systems (e.g. ESSE3, MyApplication Portal, Dream Apply Portal, etc)• Supporting for the analysis and reporting activities of the office. He/she could be required to support also some activities referring to graduate candidates. For those activities will be guaranteed a proper knowledge.Requirements• Graduated with a Master's Degree with an outstanding academic path• Fluent in English and Italian• Work/study/life experience abroad or in international/multicultural contexts (at least 6 months)• Good knowledge of Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)• Curious to know how an higher education institution operates • Soft skills: positive and enthusiastic with very good interpersonal and team working skills; analytical and critical thinking; hands-on approach; customer oriented; able to organize and manage the work timely and autonomously; self-starter with strong attention to detail; attitude for precision; ability to handle work peaks and/or critical situations.We offerWe are offering a 6 months paid internship, starting from September 2024. Place of work: MILAN To applySend your CV in PDF format. Categoria Professionale: Servizi ProfessionaliCittà: Milano (Milano)Disponibilità oraria:

Full Time

I candidati, nel rispetto del D.lgs. 198/2006, D.lgs 215/2003 e D.lgs 216/2003, sono invitati a leggere l'informativa sulla privacy consultabile sotto il form di richiesta dati della pagina di candidatura (Regolamento UE n. 2016/679).ATTENZIONE: Abbiamo rilevato la presenza in rete di molti annunci falsi; prendi visione dei nostri consigli per riconoscere i tentativi di truffa sulla pagina dedicata al phishing su Adecco Italia S.p.A. (Aut. Min. Prot. N.1100-SG del 26.11.2004).
Vedere l'offerta completa

Dettagli dell'offerta

  • Adecco Italia Spa
  • Imprecisato - Imprecisato
Tipo di Contratto
  • Imprecisato
Data di pubblicazione
  • 28/06/2024
Data di scadenza
  • 26/09/2024
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