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Descrizione dell'offerta di lavoro

CAREL is a world leader in control solutions for air-conditioning, refrigeration and heating, and systems for humidification and evaporative cooling. Our products are designed to bring energy savings and reduce the environmental impact of machinery and systems. Our solutions are used in commercial, industrial and residential applications. Founded in 1973, CAREL in 2022 has consolidated sales of more than 540 million euros (29.6% more than in 2021). Around 80% of sales are from exports, through an extensive sales and customer support network. Specifically, we have operations in the Americas (North, Central and South), Asia Pacific, Africa and Europe; we have 38 subsidiaries and 15 production sites, in addition to partners and distributors in a further 75 countries. We serve more than 4,000 customers, with 6,200 active products and annual production of more than 7 million units. Research & Development are the heart of our commitment. A total of 5% of consolidated sales is reinvested in R&D in order to anticipate customer needs and supply advanced solutions. A further 4% of sales is regularly invested in production process technology, so as to ensure ongoing improvement and growth. CAREL also operates two research laboratories, one focused on thermodynamics and the other on humidification, true points of excellence in their respective fields. Out of the Group’s more than 2,000 staff, 13.5% are employed in Research & Development, a number that reaches almost 25% when considering the designers and technical personnel working at our Italian headquarters. Training is another area where we devote significant resources, applied to all areas of the company with the aim of developing our personnel, both in terms of soft skills and technical competencies. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONS Hierarchical or functional relations Report to the Software Solution development Manager It is mainly in contact with Sales and Application colleagues, and with Customer users. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES and ACTIVITIES To write software, through Company’s tools compliant with PLC standard languages IEC 61131-3, for CAREL PLC, display and supervisor service, accordingly to customer specifications. To verify if the application meets customer and market’s needs, and to act accordingly. To provide support and training to customers, ensuring the users are fully briefed and skilled with the software applications which have been developed for them. Depending on the markets, the applications and the specific context, to run or support the commissioning and testing phases at Customer sites. · Design new solution or upgrades for Air Conditioning , Humidification and Refrigeration applications, by participating in different phases of the development lifecycle, adhering to Company’s standard and methodologies; · Identify user requirements and proactively suggest improvements on software; · Provide customer support on specific products and proprietary software; · Design the user interfaces on different display till APPs for mobile phone; · Provide local or remote supervisory system integration and development services; · Provide support and services to all connectivity issues (e.g. communication protocols); · Write documentation of the solution developed; · Support the end users in the use of all the Company’s applications; · Collaborate to the “Carel Software” Community; · Actively involved into continuous improvement activities. Technical - Knowledge on software development; - Knowledge on web development languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript,etc - Knowledge on thermodynamics; - like to develop software to control something, considers the software just a way to control a device or a unit. - like the manual work - have a basic knowledge on electric circuits and troubleshooting Personal - Able on team working - Good attitude on relationship and communication with SSD colleagues, sales and customers - Must have cross interested, s/he is concrete and has an “hands-on” approach. - Availability to travel. Education two or three year university degree in scientific subjects such as Engineering. excellent degrees in software, mathematics, electronic, physic.
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Dettagli dell'offerta

  • Carel Industries Spa
  • Tutta l'Italia
  • Imprecisato - Imprecisato
Data di pubblicazione
  • 19/06/2024
Data di scadenza
  • 17/09/2024
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