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Descrizione dell'offerta di lavoro

August 1st HT is an interdisciplinary research institute, created and supported by the Italian government, whose aim is to develop innovative strategies to promote human health through a multidisciplinary and integrated approach, combining genomics, computational and structural biology and neuroscience, as well as data and decision sciences.
The project will be a collaboration between Soskic and Legnini groups.
Soskic group studies molecular mechanisms that regulate B cell activation, antibody production and their genetic variability (https://humantechnopole.
Legnini group studies molecular details of RNA regulation, from processing to degradation, and investigates how regulatory elements in mRNAs such as 3’UTRs and poly(A) tails impact on RNA abundance and function (https://humantechnopole.
We are looking for a postdoc candidate to investigate posttranscriptional mechanisms controlling B cell differentiation, immune-activation-induced control of RNA splicing of key B cell differentiation genes, and stability and degradation of antibody RNAs.
Key tasks and responsibilities.
Design, performance and analysis of genomic experiments (e.
scRNA-seq, CLIP-seq to identify target sites for protein binding on RNA, FLAM-seq); Developing new ideas to investigate gene expression regulation in B cells and antibody production; Generating and recording data, protocols and/or codes for publication; Publishing reproducible research; Interacting and supporting other group members; Sharing and discussing research results with collaborators; Presenting scientific results in international meetings.
Mandatory requirements.
PhD in either genomics, immunology, cell biology, biochemistry or other relevant disciplines (or PhD is going to be awarded by January ); Fluency in English – HT is an international research institute and English will be the main language spoken in the lab; Preferential requirements.
Experience and interest in B cell biology; Broad technical and scientific understanding of genomics and molecular biology; Experience and interest in RNA splicing and metabolism; Good knowledge of statistics and data analysis approaches for RNA or protein data; Knowledge of transcriptomic technologies (bulk and single-cell); Experience with confocal microscopy; Independence and flexibility in terms of managing projects and new ideas.
Soft skills.
Strong interpersonal skills demonstrated by the ability to lead and gain the assistance and cooperation of others in a team endeavor; Ability to manage competing priorities in a fast-paced environment and to work independently; Ability to build trust and create an open and positive environment; Ability to work in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity; Application Instructions.
Please send your CV and motivation letter in English using the dedicated area below (Apply now).
We kindly ask you to include name and contact details of at least two referees.
In your motivation letter (max 3 pages), please consider covering the following points.
1) your scientific background, 2) what you consider your major scientific accomplishment 3) why you want to apply and work on the topic of this call.
For additional specific enquires concerning the projects and the lab please contact.
Blagoje Soskic and Ivano Legnini.
and (these email addresses should not be used to send applications).
Why Human Technopole.
HT seeks scientific excellence, we recruit the best scientific talents through international, open calls.
Our working environment is international, friendly and inclusive.
Our scientists work together across disciplines on research topics of biomedical relevance, leveraging synergies between their diverse skillsets and methodological approaches.
We believe that highly diverse teams yield the best and most innovative results.
We engage in outward-facing scientific activities aimed at benefiting the national and international research community.
Training is also at the heart of our activity, with initiatives and opportunities for our staff, including scientific courses, conferences and workshops.
Main benefits Welfare plans.
Canteen service.
Work-life balance provisions.
Italian language training for foreigners.
Parental leave up to 1 year and other support for new parents.
Flexible working hours.
Remote working policy.
Support for relocation.
Researchers coming to Italy for the first time, or returning after residing abroad, benefit from very attractive income tax benefits.
Special consideration will be given to candidates who are part of the protected categories list, according to L.
The position is based in Milan Number of positions offered.
1 Salary.
40K Contract offered.
CCNL Chimico Farmaceutico, Fixed-term 4 years – employee level.
The Foundation reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to extend, suspend, modify, revoke, or cancel this job posting without giving rise to any rights or claims whatsoever in favor of the candidates; the Foundation reserves, however, the right not to proceed with the awarding of the above-described assignment due to the effect of supervening regulatory provisions and/or obstructive circumstances Tagged as.
Life Sciences
Vedere l'offerta completa

Dettagli dell'offerta

  • Imprecisato
  • Tutta l'Italia
  • Imprecisato - Imprecisato
Data di pubblicazione
  • 05/07/2024
Data di scadenza
  • 03/10/2024
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