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The Department of Physics atWestlake University(China) invites applications for one postdoctoral research fellows to work with Dr.
Shengchao Li (bio,INSPIRE) in experimental particle physics.
uccessful candidates are expected to work on theXENONnT dark matter experiment, and be reseponsible for the calibration systems and data analysis of the recent science data.
Depending on the feasibility, the candidate will also explore the novel development of the liquid xenon TPC technology for the future flagship XLZD experiment, exploring vast dark matter models and the neutrino fog.
he initial appointment for this position is for two years, with the possibility of renewal for a third year.
Successful applicants will be automatically qualified to apply for the “High-level talent” program in Hangzhou for additional financial support and benefits.
The group maintains strong partnerships with institutions both domestically and internationally across Asia, Europe, and North America.
Visits to these institutions will be actively encouraged and supported.
pplications will be accepted until the position is filled, while priority will be given to applications received beforeDec..
Postdoctoral FellowExpectations.
onduct original research independently and in collaboration.
repare researchpapersin English for publication.
resent research achievements at seminars and conferences.
elp supervise junior members of the group.
aving obtained or about to obtain a Ph.
degree in physics (e.
., experimental high energy physics, experimental nuclear physics), or a related field at the time of the appointment, aged under 35.
esearch directions (qualified candidates are encouraged to persuit one or two of the following).
) Work on the XENONnT dark matter experiment, currently taking data at INFN Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy.
It is aiming to explore rare physics processes such as signals from the WIMP Dark Matter.
Our group works on various XENON analysis topics and leads the calibration efforts.
he research topics can be discussed further based on candidates' interests and strengths.
Communication skills and international travel are required for this position.
Familiarity with coding, software development, calibration systems, simulation, and statistics are considered advantages in this application.
) Work on a local TPC prototype, established as an R&D platform for the next-generation dark matter experiment.
We want to test and optimize a few technical challenges towards the LXeTPC technology.
Our system will be set up and running in , where candidates are expected to work on the full chain of the experiment (DAQ, slow control, cryogenic systems, purification, calibration, etc.).
Experience with cryogenic detectors is highly appreciated.
ompensation and Benefits.
he research team offers a competitive compensation package commensurate with the selected candidate’s qualifications and experience.
Applications for relevant projects and programs will be encouraged and supported.
ostdoc(s) selected for China Postdoctoral ScienceFoundation or Zhejiang Province Selected Funding for Postdoctoral Research Projects will be entitled to receive further supporting funds of the same amount from the Hangzhou municipal government.
ostdoc(s) who work in Hangzhou full-time after completing their postdoctoral research will be eligible to apply for an allowance of RMB (~ USD) from the Hangzhou municipal government (two year contract).
ualified postdoc(s) are offered on-campus housing.
omen candidates are encouraged to apply for the "Westlake Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women" programme, where awardee receives monthly additional supplemental funding of RMB (~ USD), in addition to their original stipend, for up to 24 months during their postdoctoral stay at Westlake University.
his has an application deadline of October .
ow to Apply.
o apply, please send the following documents in a packed file to , and indicate “Postdoc Application” in the email subject.
over LetterCurriculum Vitae with a publication listResearch StatementPlease also arrange two reference letters ntact.
i, Shengchao()
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Dettagli dell'offerta

  • Imprecisato
  • Tutta l'Italia
  • Imprecisato - Imprecisato
Data di pubblicazione
  • 26/09/2024
Data di scadenza
  • 25/12/2024
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