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Descrizione dell'offerta di lavoro

July 13th, Human Technopole (HT) is an interdisciplinary research institute in Milan (Italy) created and supported by the Italian government to develop innovative strategies to promote human health.
HT adopts a multidisciplinary and integrated approach combining genomics, computational and structural biology, neuroscience, and data and decision sciences.
The Human Technopole Foundation is looking for one highly motivated postdoc with a strong background in computer science and mathematics to work in the group of Prof.
Marino Zerial.
The candidate should be interested in applying computational methods to biological problems.
The Zerial Group works on endocytosis – from its molecular mechanisms to implications in cell and tissue organisation.
Its interests range from the assembly and functional characterisation of the endosomal fusion machinery to establishing hepatocyte cell polarity and liver tissue structure and function.
The Group uses a unique interdisciplinary approach combining biochemical and biophysical methods with advanced light microscopy, cell biology and computer-aided three-dimensional tissue reconstruction.
The candidate will work on projects within the following areas.
3D reconstruction and image analysis of liver tissue.
Development and implementation of algorithms and tools for the analysis of image-based genomic functional screens.
Development of new approaches for data analysis.
The above projects aim to understand the design principles of cell and tissue structure and function, including the development and regeneration of mouse liver.
Key tasks and responsibilities Develop new algorithms for microscopy image segmentation and analysis aiming to build reliable high-resolution 3D liver tissue models.
Mathematical and computational modelling to bridge liver tissue structure with its function.
Extract high-content multi-parametric phenotype descriptors from microscopy images.
Probabilistic analysis of multi-parametric profiles, prediction of biologically meaningful functional modules and their interconnections.
Develop models and algorithms to extract quantitative parameters from raw experimental data.
Develop models to explain experimental data and predict the results of genetic/pharmacological perturbations in biological systems.
Develop new approaches to link experimental results and input/output parameters of theoretical models.
Generate reliable data for publication and record all data and results in specified forms (paper and electronic).
Contribute to the writing of project-related scientific papers.
Assist in the training of PhD students and contribute to the smooth running of the lab.
The candidate should be able to interact with members of an interdisciplinary team of cell biologists, biochemists, computer scientists and clinicians, work in a competitive international environment and possess excellent communication and data presentation skills.
Mandatory requirements.
On the closing date for online applications, the candidate must fulfil all the following conditions.
PhD in natural science (physics, biophysics, computer science or similar) with a strong background in mathematics.
Previous knowledge of biology and proved experience in the analysis of experimental biological data.
At least one first-author publication in a scholarly journal in a field relevant to this application.
Fluency in English.
Preferred requirements.
Knowledge of high-performance and parallel computing.
Organizational and social skills.
Ability to work independently as well as in a team.
Ability to work in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.
Ability to manage competing priorities in a fast-paced environment.
Ability to build trust by operating transparently and creating an open and positive environment.
Excellent communication skills and self-motivation.
Application Instructions Please apply by sending.
i) a CV ii) a motivation letter in English iii) names and contacts of at least 2 referees Questions concerning the role and any queries regarding the terms and conditions should be sent to (terms and conditions) (these email address should not be used to send applications).
Why Human Technopole HT seeks scientific excellence.
We recruit the best scientific talents through international open calls.
Our working environment is international, friendly and inclusive.
Our scientists work together across disciplines on research topics of biomedical relevance, leveraging synergies between their diverse skill sets and methodological approaches.
We believe that highly diverse teams yield the best and most innovative results.
We engage in outward-facing scientific activities for the national and international research community.
Training is also at the heart of our activity, with initiatives and opportunities for our staff, including scientific courses, conferences and workshops.
Main benefits Welfare plans.
Canteen service.
Work-life balance provisions.
Italian language training for foreigners.
Maternity leave up to 1 year and other support for new parents.
Flexible working hours.
Remote working policy.
Support for relocation.
Special consideration will be given to candidates who are part of the protected categories list, according to L.
Number of positions offered.
1 Contract offered.
CCNL Chimico Farmaceutico, Fixed-term – 4 years – employee level.
The position is based in Milan ” The Foundation reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to extend, suspend, modify, revoke, or cancel this job posting without giving rise to any rights or claims whatsoever in favor of the candidates; the Foundation reserves, however, the right not to proceed with the awarding of the above-described assignment due to the effect of supervening regulatory provisions and/or obstructive circumstances” Tagged as.
Life Sciences
Vedere l'offerta completa

Dettagli dell'offerta

  • Imprecisato
  • Tutta l'Italia
  • Imprecisato - Imprecisato
Data di pubblicazione
  • 17/06/2024
Data di scadenza
  • 15/09/2024
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