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Descrizione dell'offerta di lavoro

Eviden is an Atos Group business with an annual revenue of circa € 5 billion and a global leader in data-driven, trusted and sustainable digital transformation.
As a next generation digital business with worldwide leading positions in digital, cloud, data, advanced computing and security, it brings deep expertise for all industries in more than 47 countries.
By uniting unique high-end technologies across the full digital continuum with world-class talents, Eviden expands the possibilities of data and technology, now and for generations to come.
The SEED (Software for Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization) team is part of Eviden's R&D.
Created in the summer of , its aim is to design and develop software solutions to minimize the carbon impact of digital technology.
Our missions are to.
Develop microservices to measure the carbon consumption of IT.
Develop artificial intelligence tools to optimize infrastructure operation.
Design microservices to help optimize resources usages.
Integrate these tools into Eviden products.
We are looking for a motivated developer to build and deploy solutions that will have an impact on our carbon footprint and our customers’ one.
Passionate about technology and IT.
You know or want to learn Go, Rust and Python.
You have some initial experience of microservices architecture, APIs and the backend.
You're interested in machine learning and deep learning.
You're enthusiastic about producing mature code and mastering Continuous Integration/Continuous Development (CI/CD)     You want to learn and adapt your knowledge to your requirements.
You want to share your knowledge within the team and throughout R&D.
You are familiar with the Agile methodology.
You have knowledge of distributed systems and data management.
You have knowledge of the Cloud environment (GCP) and deployment tools (Kubernetes, Ansible or other).
If you recognize yourself in some of these technologies, we'll help you to develop your skills in the others.
Let’s grow together.
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Dettagli dell'offerta

  • Imprecisato
  • Tutta l'Italia
  • Imprecisato - Imprecisato
Data di pubblicazione
  • 30/06/2024
Data di scadenza
  • 28/09/2024
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