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Belluno - Veneto

Descrizione dell'offerta di lavoro

C2C - Close To Consumer è la società di GiGroup specializzata nel reclutamento del personale del settore beauty.Ti appassiona il mondo della skin care e ti piace il lavoro a contatto con le persone? Unisciti a noi!Per un prestigioso brand di skincare, cerchiamo un/una Beauty Expert da inserire all'interno delle migliori profumerie di Belluno. DI COSA TI OCCUPERAI?Sarai il punto di riferimento per i clienti, aiutandoli a scoprire la routine di bellezza più adatta alle loro esigenze. Il tuo ruolo prevede: ? Consulenze personalizzate per individuare i prodotti skincare più adatti a ogni tipo di pelle.? Presentazione e vendita dei prodotti con un approccio professionale e mirato. COSA CERCHIAMO? ? Esperienza nel settore beauty? Predisposizione alla vendita assistita e al rapporto con il cliente? Ottimo standing e attenzione ai dettagli? Dinamismo e proattività QUANDO: Le attività si terranno durante i weekend di aprile e maggio, con possibilità di proroga nei mesi successivi.  ? Se pensi di essere la persona giusta, candidati ora! ?  L'offerta si intende rivolta a candidati ambosessi, nel rispetto del D.Lgs. n. 198/2006 e e dei Decreti Legislativi n. 215 e n. 216 del 2003 sulle parità di trattamento.  by
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Dettagli dell'offerta

  • C2C
  • Imprecisato - Imprecisato
Data di pubblicazione
  • 05/03/2025
Data di scadenza
  • 03/06/2025
Greek Beauty Advisor Expert – Skin for Majorel Italy
Majorel Italy srl

Live chat, phone, emails, webforms, social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner... job description for an important partner in the cosmetics industry, l’oréal group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be included......

Greek Beauty Advisor Expert – Hair Color for Majorel Italy
Majorel Italy srl

Job description for an important partner in the cosmetics industry, l’oréal group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be included as hair beauty advisors... live chat, phone, emails, webforms, social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise......

English Beauty Advisor Expert – Skin for Majorel Italy
Majorel Italy srl

Live chat, phone, emails, webforms, social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner... job description for an important partner in the cosmetics industry, l’oréal group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be included......

German beauty advisor - skin expert for majorel italy
Majorel italy srl

Live chat, phone, emails, webforms, social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner... apply today! description: for an important partner in the cosmetics industry, l’oréal group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be......

German beauty advisor - hair color for majorel italy
Majorel italy srl

Live chat, phone, emails, webforms, social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner... apply today! description: for an important partner in the cosmetics industry, l’oréal group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be......

German beauty advisor for Majorel iìItaly
Majorel italy srl

Live chat, phone, emails, webforms, social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner... we believe that it’s the people who make both companies genuinely exceptional and the combined organization will offer significant career......

Consulenti Tecnici di Carriera per la provincia di Belluno
Ton Gruppe

Volontà di mettersi alla prova in un settore attualmente in fermento... se interessato a mettersi alla prova, invii il suo curriculum con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del d... ton gruppe®, da oltre 40 anni produce e commercializza prodotti e sistemi per l’edilizia composti......

French Beauty Advisor for Majorel Italy
Majorel Italy srl

Live chat, phone, emails, webforms, social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner... apply today! for an important partner in the cosmetics industry, l'oréal group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be included as......

English Beauty Advisor for Majorel Italy
Majorel Italy srl

Live chat, phone, emails, webforms, social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner... apply today! for an important partner in the cosmetics industry, l'oréal group, we are looking for brilliant resources to be included as......

German beauty advisor for Majorel Italy
Majorel italy srl

Live chat, phone, emails, webforms, social 1:1) by providing excellent solution, service, product and beauty advice in a professional, precise and timely manner... we believe that it’s the people who make both companies genuinely exceptional and the combined organization will offer significant career......